Posts tagged mindfulness

We get caught up in so much BS that is so insignificant in this life. “He said this”, “she said that”. But at the end of the day, does it really matter? There are people in this world that can't walk. People who can't talk. People who have no money. People who don't have a home. And we are worried about what "so and so" said?! It's almost like we create drama in our own minds because we are so scared of being in the present moment.

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A mum's tale of a 21-day yoga challenge

I have always had a resistance to yoga. I have dipped in and out but I have never made a full commitment to it. I'm not sure why maybe I was scared to go deeper because I never knew what I would find?! But for some reason,  yoga was calling me and I needed to listen in to that calling. I had a pretty tough year last year and I just knew yoga was what my soul needed. 

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